The Advengers


Nick Fury,director of the Organization peacekeeping known as SHIELD recruits to Iron Man,Hulk,Thor,and Captain America to form a team.
The group must stop Thor's brother, Loki,to prevent the destruction of the planet.

Main characters

Bruce Banner is a scientific that when he gets angry transforms in Hulk.
Hulk is a Green monster with great force when he gets mad is out of control and belongs to the group of the Avengers.

Iron Man
Toni Stark is a millonaire that wears a special metal costume.
He is a member of the avengers and he defends the justice in the world.

Captain America
Captain America is the leader of the avengers. He is very strong because in his infancy he suffered a few experiments that made him very strong.
His weapon is an indestructible shield.

Thor is the son of the Odin (the king of Asgard).Thor is the God of Thunder.
His weapon is a powerful hammer that only he can control.


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